Provider | Symbols |
Total marketcap of EigenLayer LRTs for this provider
This is the sum of assets delegated to LRT operators on EigenLayer which can include LRT deposits and other 3rd party assets.
Number of operators that are registered with AVSs on behalf of this provider
Registered AVS |
eETH, eEIGEN | $7.52B | $6.07B | 12 | 18 | |
rsETH | $1.90B | $1.62B | 3 | 15 | |
ezETH, ezEIGEN, ezREZ | $1.03B | $889.1M | 7 | 19 | |
pufETH | $278.4M | $292.5M | 7 | 10 | |
rswETH | $194.8M | $202.4M | 8 | 11 |
LRT combined TVL (USD)
This chart shows the combined TVL of EigenLayer LRTs by provider.
LRT AVS registrations
This chart shows the number of AVSs each LRT provider is registered with.